If you’re ready to build a 6-figure sustainable income while supporting vulnerable people in your community

The Supported Living Platform is for you.

When you join The Supported Living Platform, we become part of your team.

We want to give you the:


Clear understanding of the industry, how it works and how it's structured

Practical Tools

The ability to speak the same language as care providers and make them want to work with you


Entering a new industry alongside your new mentors without fear of failure

Committed to Helping Our Members Succeed

We focus on the outcome!

Helping you achieve your first Supported Living project or if you have done one before, your best Supported Living project.

  • It’s about implementation, not just information.

  • It takes you from frustration to clarity and focus.

  • You’ll go from a google rabbit hole to results.

The Supported Living Platform is different to others

Others do things like:

  • Inspiring you for 1, 2 or 3-days in a row, then leaving you very much on your own afterwards, unless you pay a hefty price tag for 'mentorship' which doesn't even include step by step support.

  • We know the outcome you want is to achieve your first Supported Living project or if you have done one before, your best Supported Living project. That’s why we include training AND support to ensure your success.

  • The mentors who inspired you to join are not delivering the mentorship.

  • You’ll go from a google rabbit hole to results..

  • Boot camps – What do you do on Monday when your back in the real world?!

  • Same as fad diets, they don’t work long term for most! You need consistency in your approach so you don’t burn out after a week! This way you can balance work and family life while you build your property business.

  • Charging you £10s of thousands when they’ve only just started in property themselves. What’s their experience?

  • On our development side (the award-winning Stuart Clinton Property) we have 50+ vulnerable people with a home and the support they need and £6+ million supported property portfolio in 3 years and we are constantly growing the portfolio. To top it off, we won at the 2021 Property Investors Awards. All that knowledge is in the portal ready for you to follow!

  • Offering a one-to-one ‘mentor’ with no real systems in place, and a few word doc’s to get you started.

  • For a lucky few, they can do things on the fly and they fall into place! That can only take you so far, however. You will need proven tools and systems in place to evolve your business in the future. We have created our own method and our unique portal will provide what you need at each stage of your project to help maximise your time.

Can I really be successful?


A lot of people doubt themselves & their ability

But having a trusted mentor to guide you through those initial steps as well as the following 12 months will give you the confidence to succeed.


We were once in your shoes

We built our Supported Living business without any guidance, so we know first hand how difficult it is. Our goal is to make sure you don't face the same struggle.


Now is the time for action

We are in uncertain times, which means it’s such a great time to start, because demand is high and prices are fluctuating to provide the best opportunity that we’ve seen in many years.

Our Products

SLP Support System

3 Day Challenge

Online Learning

7-Step Guide

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